
Brian Glover has carried out in 2013 a number of assignments for his previous employer Multiconsult, including a full license application for Kåja hydropower plant (38 MW) in Gudbrandsdalslågen. In addition he has been hired by the Research Council of Norway to advise on hydropower technology in their latest research program for renewable energy technology EnergiX.

Kåja hydropower plant (fotomontasje and plan by Multiconsult)

Micro hydro plant in Nepal

He has supervised other license applications written for among others Austdøla hydropower plant, in Ulvik district for Statkraft Energi.

Government work

Bærekraftig Investering (BI) has prepared a report for the Norwegian Ministry of Environment on suggested methodologies for carrying out cumulative impact assessments on rare or threatened ecosystems, valuable nature types or landscape types in Norway. The report is only in Norwegian. The methods are currently being tested in cooperation with the County Governor of Hordaland under a new contract with the Norwegian Environment Agency . In 2014 BI assisted Multiconsult in assessing the effect certain parts of the Nature Diversity Act (2009) had on various public management activities (the report is presented in this link).