
Dam inspection at 4500 m elevation. ICH course on dam safety, Peru 2014
Bærekraftig Investering has held many lectures in Norway related to the EU’s Water Framework Directive (2000) for improving aquatic ecology and water management in Norway. A lecture given in November 2012 for the Norwegian society for groundwater and polluted ground and sediments (Miljøringen) can be downloaded here

Review of the alternative energy program in Nepal – productive energy use discussions

From Tbilisi, Georgia in Nov. 2016
Brian Glover has regular lecturing assignments for the International Centre for Hydropower in several topics including “Trends in Hydropower”, “Multipurpose Reservoir Projects”, "Cumulative Impact Assessments", "Environmental Flows" and “Life Cycle Costing and Analysis”. He has also held several lectures during the ICH course on dam safety including spillway planning and design, dam safety regulation and emergency preparedness plans. Brian Glover is responsible for the course entitled ”Hydropower Planning” which is mandatory for students taking an M. Sc. course in hydropower engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Department of hydraulic and environmental engineering.

Brian was also given the main responsibility of putting together a course in hydropower, in addition to holding most of the lectures for the Ministry of Energi of Georgia. The course was held in November 2016 in Borjomi, Georgia. The course program can be downloaded here